Contact Us


R.O.S.E. is the first true civil society group to have emerged from Sarawak for Sarawak. We could not have come this far without a great deal of help from our Peninsular counterparts, who are extremely passionate about uplifting Sarawak to its true potential as a nation-transformer. But it is now time for homegrown Sarawakians of all races, religions and creeds to take courage, wake up, and stand up for Ibu Pertiwiku.

We at R.O.S.E. would like to appeal to all of you to sign up as volunteers in whatever capacity that you feel comfortable in. Whatever your skills, talents, background, time or financial constraints, there is something to fit everyone.

Some examples of what you could do :

  • Background in EDUCATION and TRAINING: Civic Awareness Education (Youths and Adults) and PACA training.
  • IT-savvy and have a background in web/graphic design: Website maintenance and design and/or maintenance of social media networks. (recommended for those who wish to take a less public role and remain behind the scenes)
  • Sign up to be trained as PACA in preparation for the next elections elections (Stand Up For Free and Fair Elections)
  • Few hours to spare on weekends? Help out with Voter Registration Drives in and around Kuching
  • Fundraising:Contribute money towards our cause and get others to do the same.
  • Know a (cheap or FOC) function room or venue that can be used for PACA training or other training activities? Drop us a note!
  • And lastly, the easiest thing that You can do is spread the word! Keep the conversation going! Share our emails! Let your friends, your family, your kopitiam buddies, your collegemates know about ROSE and what we do and inspire others to join our cause. Remember “If Not Now, When? If Not You, Who?” Do not underestimate the power of the ripple effect to create change from the smallest of actions.

Email us using the link below: